Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cliche #5: It's God's Plan

Heavenly Father, I thank you Father, for allowing me to see another day.  I thank you Father, for your divine protection while I slumbered.  I thank you Father for your mercy and grace bestowed upon me.  And Father, I thank you for your Son Jesus.  I pray this morning a blessing on all of your children who loves you.  I pray a blessing on the reader and doer of your word.   I pray a blessing Father, for all who continue to read the messages that you inspire me to post.  I pray Father, that I can continue to be a blessing as you give me power to do so.  I pray that the anointing continues to flow Father, and that you miraculously resolve whatever problems your readers are facing.  I pray that your Holy Spirit rain down wherever they are, and that they are able to feel your presence.  I pray Father that we do not waiver in our faith, and that you continue to build us up.  Lord we give you the honor and praise, and we pray also Father for any trespasses committed.  This we pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Today’s message will conclude the series on clichés that Christians use.  Many of you know that I am enrolled in seminary, and I must say that I am thankful for taking that step to engage in spiritual higher learning.  The more I learn, the more I realized how far away I was from biblical truths.  I have engaged in many debates and conversations that were just not biblical.  To look back at it now, I feel ashamed, but at the same time glad that I am in a better position spiritually. However, there are many people I know, who are also Christians who are just as lost as I knew I was, and their incorrect use of these clichés proves it.  I remember going with a few men of God to comfort someone in their last stages of cancer.  I was young in the faith at that time, so I did not offer much but an amen every now and then, and a nod here and there to suggest I was in agreement with whatever was said at the time.  After we got together and prayed, and left the residence, and on our way back to recover our individual vehicles, some of the men began to converse.  The elder of the bunch, meaning spiritually older, began to say how what was happening to that person was part of God’s plan.  As I look back at that now, I say rubbish!!!!!!!!
It was never in God’s plan for Adam and Eve to sin, but they did sin.  It was never in God’s plan for Cain to slew Abel, but he did.  It was never in God’s plan for his children to be in one place, but they remained and tried to build a tower to reach the heavens.  If anyone was to say that it was in God’s plan, they speak heresy, for God is not partially good, but 100% good.  To suggest that God used sin as part of His plan is to say God needed the devil.  Those who have the story of Job inching at their tongue, please reconsider.  The truth is no one knows the mind of God.  The bible says “But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.  But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.  For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.”  (1Co 2:9-11)  When I said that no one knows the mind of God was not me guessing, but what’s recorded in His word.  The cancer that was on that man could have been attributed to that man’s actions.  God wants us all to live a healthy and full life, but the choice we make causes us to experience contrary to what God in His word says He wants for us. Amen!
My Christian brothers and sisters have not intentionally done so, but may have did harm to plenty in a form of comfort.  Someone lost a family member, it was God’s plan.  Someone is lying sick in the hospital, it is God’s plan.  Every hurtful event that people go through, there is someone either saying it or is ready to say, it is God’s plan.  And I will say rubbish!  It is their attempt to say God is in control and therefore they have to accept it.  There are many who do not want to hear that all that they are going through, the family member they lost or how chaotic and out of control their life is, are all part of God’s plan.  Those of you who have James 1:2-3 itching at their tongue, please reconsider.  God does not desire for anyone to go through pain, because for some hope will be lost.  The bible says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer 29:11)  This is not me guessing, but what’s recorded in His word.  Amen!
All Christian clichés may have been spoken with good intentions, however words have power and the speaker must consider his/her audience before sharing anything pertaining to God.  The word alone is inerrant, but it can be seen as errant when the delivery is made.  I encourage all who have read the series to avoid these clichés if possible.  We want to attract people not repel them.  Amen?

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