Monday, May 2, 2011

Sin Blinds Us

Gracious Father, I thank you once more for blessing me with life, health and strength.  I thank you Father, for blessing my household while we slumbered.  I thank you Father, for being a God who we can go to at any time expressing our gratitude and making our requests known.  I pray this morning that you will bless the readers and doers of your word with the same blessing bestowed upon me.  I pray Father that you bless the readers of this message.  I pray that you bless them and keep them, and anoint their coming and going.  I pray Father that you bless all that they do.  I pray a covering over them.  I pray Father that you continue to show evidence that you are with us and not have forsaken us.  We give you honor and glory Father.  And I pray always, that any sins committed, that you exercise forgiveness.  We lift your name in praise and we thank you and pray this prayer in Jesus name Amen.

I was approached by a woman yesterday when I was leaving Wal-Mart.  She asked me if I could spare any change.  I did a quick but effectual survey of her demeanor to see if she is a possible drug addict. When anyone asks me for money, I do not ask them what they are going to do with the money.  If I have it I will give it to them and let God do the rest.   Yesterday I was compelled to go a little bit further with this woman.  As I stated before, I gave a quick survey and I was able to see that her finger tips were dark in color.  When she speaks, she appears to be chewing, yet she has nothing in her mouth.  She also was scratching her forearm softly and often did not make eye contact.  This behavior is in fact the behavior of someone who is on drugs.  When she asked me if I could spare some change, I asked her if she was sure that was all she need.  She said yes, and then I asked her again is she sure.  She confirmed and added she has Jesus.  Bingo!  She opened the door and I was about to bum-rush my way in. 
So I asked what have Jesus done in her life.  She appeared to be searching for an answer.  Not an answer that she can genuinely give based off of person experience, but based off of a previous conversation.  It was most likely that she encountered another believer and that person told her what she did not want to hear.  That she needs Jesus.  The answer that she was able to produce was that she was blessed with 3 kids.  Amen.  I asked her where are they now, and she indicated they are with her mom.  Why?  The courts took them from her.  To sum up her story, her drug addiction caused her to make very bad choices, which landed her in prison.  After she was released, she went back to the same behavior.   I told her that I know someone has shared Christ with her before, and that she should not ignore it.  I said “just as how they shared Christ with you, I am going to do the same.  Christ is what you need sister.  Not for you to be asking for money to make up the purchasing price of whatever drugs you want to buy.”  Her head hung low.  Conviction took place, at least temporarily.  She seemed to be getting agitated so I gave her some spare change I had in my car, and told her that until she recognized that Christ is the only way for her to be free, she will remain in this bondage until it claims her life.  She nodded and walked away fast as though she was 10 minutes late to an appointment.
She was blind.  She was blind to what she really needs physically and mentally.  She was blind to how a stranger was willing to give her advice that is beneficial to her.  She was blind to what else this stranger was willing to do to get her help.  She was blind to freedom.  She was blind because she allowed sin to take hold of her.  The bible states “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it." (Gen 4:7)  She allowed sin to take hold of her to where it has now put her in a state of illusion.  When anyone willfully engages in sin, they are allowing the enemy to be their god, and false pleasures and comforts will be the result.  He has blinded her to the point where she does not believe in the saving power of Christ, and was able to easily dismiss me or attempt to tell me what she think I wanted to hear (2 Cor 4:4).
Family the devil is real.  Sin is real.  We need to take as much precaution as we would any other thing that can bring about our demise.  Although blinding us from the truth is one aspect of sin, if left untreated, it can bring forth death.  Let’s not allow the enemy to dangle temporary pleasures before us.  Remain prayed up and not be ignorant to his devices.  Amen.

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