Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stop, Look, & Listen

Heavenly Father, I give thanks this morning for another day which you’ve made.  I give thanks for another opportunity to share your word to those who are in darkness still.  I give thanks Father, for being a vessel to further thy Kingdom.  I give thanks for being surrounded by spiritual men and women of God.  Lord, I just thank you for all you have bestowed.  I pray Father, that you be a blessing to those who read this lesson.  I pray that you uplift them and comfort them.  I pray that day by day, they draw closer and closer to you.  And Lord, if there is anything that was done, that was not pleasing in thy sight, we pray for forgiveness.  I give you all honor and praise, and I pray this prayer in the blessed name of your darling Son, Jesus.  Amen

I remember as a young boy in school how teachers were showing the class the correct way to cross the street.  They would use “catch phrases” to help us remember, such as “cross on the green and not in between” or a song with the words “left, right, left, cross.”  What stood out to me the most was a phrase, and I believe it was how Mrs. Clark expressed it.  She would talk with a soft voice by saying, “children when you are walking on a sidewalk and you are about to reach the curb, “then with a loud and scary voice she said “you must stop!!!  Look!!!, Listen!!!  My goodness, she had many in tears, and I must admit that I too was a bit frightened, but it remained with me even when I was walking with adults.  Her voiced echoed in my head whenever I walked, and when I was nearing a curb, the way she expressed it, proved to be a reminder of what I needed to do.

This morning, I am expressing to you, STOP!!!! LOOK!!! LISTEN!!!  I am expressing this to you, because the devil uses subtlety to steal our joy.  He used it in a way of questioning to cause Eve to doubt God (Gen 3:1).  He used it in a way of tempting Jesus (Matt 4:1-10).  He can also use the everyday things of life, such as a wife, husband, son, daughter, friends, job, or even CHURCH!!!!  It is very important, that we not let the devil and his demons steal our joy.  If you ever experience that you seem to always be in conflict with someone, whether family, friend, or co-worker….. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN!!!

Stop:  Whatever was being spoken, just stop.  It takes two to converse, and if the person is the initiator, a bad conversation will not be successful if you do not participate.  The bible states “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking” (Pr. 10:19) Do not add to an already undesirable situation.

Look:  Step back and not only look with your physical eyes, look from your spiritual eye.  What is his or her demeanor?  The bible states “love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; (1 Cor 13:5) so if anything contrary to the above is present, love (brotherly) is not in it.

Listen:  What really is being said from this person?  The bible states “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” (Matt 12:36)  It also states “The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, But the mouth of the wicked what is perverse.” (Pr 10:32).  In other words, are you just hearing, blah, blah, blah or words with no substance?  Are you hearing words that are inappropriate? Are you hearing words to build you up, or is it tearing you down?

When you apply the Stop, Look, and Listen method, you can immediately identify what is of God or peace, from what is of the devil or war/mischief.   Do not allow the devil to use words spoken via family, friends, co-workers, etc to steal your happiness that you woke up this morning with.  Amen!

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